Version 1.0.0
Cutting-Edge, Affordable, and User-Friendly SDR in Browser.
- Increase max zoom to 14 on exclusive mode and 11 on shared mode. For exclusive mode support, please update full image.
- Add SDRConsole support in sdr_receiver_hpsdr application on Redpitaya Note compatiable firmware. Check here.
- All versions between 1115 to 1220 contains auto update bug. You have to use manual update via zip package to workaround.
- I updated the user manual pages regarding control and config tab.
- Add a new document on how to reduce the noise of the fan and information regarding connectors.
- Port Supersdr to support web-888, load public servers list from internet. Install from github
The Web-888 SDR, featuring a Web based user interface and a new RF frontend and FPGA implementation, is a cutting-edge SDR product utilizing 16-bit ADC sampling and covering a frequency band up to 62MHz.
Powered by the Zynq7010 FPGA with dual A9 ARM cores, a FPGA implementation and highly optimized server software, the Web-888 leverages a fast in-chip bus to deliver 13 channels with waterfall enabled for all channels.
Check out our measurements procedures and results.
Compared to other Web SDR products, the Web-888 stands out with unique features and advantages. See the full comparison.
Web-888 offers a great performance at its price point. With the power of a carefully designed frontend, the power of 16bit ADC and the power of the DSP software, it is one of best high performance SDR on the market.
Web-888 is an easy-to-use web-based SDR product. You don’t need to learn anything before you can start using it in your web browser. If you’re looking for your first SDR device or a user-friendly SDR, choose Web-888.
Web-888 is also a great platform for Skimming. The 13 channels cover all HF bands and the 6M band. We currently support FT4/FT8 skimming and WSPR skimming, with CW skimming coming in the future. If you need an SDR device for Skimming across all HAM bands, choose Web-888.
We host several Red Pitaya Notes applications in the repository for users who want to do more with the Web-888 hardware. We uses these projects as a showcase how to hack Web-888 for other purposes. We also publish technical documents to support these experiments. If you’re looking for an SDR platform to experiment with FPGA, HF or VHF, oversampling, or FSK transmit, choose Web-888.

Hardware Specifications:
- Dimension (100mm*71mm*25.2mm) exclude SMA
- Active Cooling Fan (40mm)
- 16-bit ADC DDC architecture SDR
- 61.44 MHz real-time bandwidth
- built-in all-constellation GPS module
- dual antenna inputs
- Gigabit Ethernet
- reference clock input/output
- 24.576MHz, 0.5 ppm TCXO
- 6 expandable IOs for antenna switching
Software Specifications
- Alpine Linux 3.20 with Linux 6.6 Kernel
- WebRX-based browser SDR experience
- KiwiSDR websocket protocol for applications
- WSPR, FT8 skimmers, and other decoders
- 13 RX channels and 13 spectrum channels simultaneously online
- Binary updates with alpha and stable channels
- Read-only root partition to prevent SD card corruption
- FPGA DMA controller for efficient data transfer without CPU involvement. Detailed Design on FPGA
In additional, Web-888 offers Red Pitaya Notes compatibility repo which hosts several SDR related projects that are single ADC applications.
- Web-888 SDR web source code is modified from Beagle_SDR_GPS and is open source in accordance with the relevant open source agreement.
- Copyright (c) 2014-2021 John Seamons, ZL/KF6VO
- Copyright (c) 2018-2021 Christoph Mayer, DL1CH
- Modified code is open sourced on Github

Where to buy:
Official seller: https://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/_olyVZlb