The SDRplay RSP1B is an enhanced version of the popular
RSP1A powerful wideband full featured 14-bit SDR which
covers the RF spectrum from 1kHz to 2GHz. The RSP1B comes
in a rugged black painted steel case and has significantly
improved noise performance. All it needs is a computer and
an antenna to provide excellent communications receiver
functionality. It comes with a choice of SDRunoTM for Windows
and multiplatform SDRconnectTM SDR software for Windows,
MacOS and Linux (supplied free of charge by SDRplay). You
can monitor up to 10MHz of spectrum at a time. A documented
API allows developers to create new demodulators or
applications around the platform.
- Improved noise performance below 1MHz and in the 3.5-5.5MHz, 50-60 MHz and 250-320MHz ranges
- New, enhanced version of the RSP1A in a rugged black painted steel case
- Improved signal handling at HF frequencies.
- Covers all frequencies from 1kHz through VLF, LF, MW, HF, VHF, UHF and L-band to 2GHz, with no gaps
- Receive, monitor and record up to 10MHz of spectrum at a time
- 14-bit ADC silicon technology for excellent dynamic range
- Multiple high-performance preselect filters minimize phantom signal problems
- Software selectable AM/FM & DAB broadcast band notch filters minimise intermodulation problems from strong interferers
- Multiple individual receivers in any 10MHz slice of spectrum
- Free use of Windows-based SDRuno software (check website for versions supported)
- Free use of SDRconnect SDR and server software for Windows, MacOS and Linux (Check website for versions supported)
- Multiplatform driver and API support including Windows, Linux, Mac, Android and Raspberry Pi 4/5
- Powers over the USB cable with a simple, robust type B socket
- Software selectable 4.7V Bias-T for powering an external remote antenna amplifier
- Calibrated S meter/ RF power and SNR measurement
- Compatible with many 3rd Party software digital decoders
- Documented API provided to allow demodulator or application development on multiple platforms
- Strong and growing software support network
Shortwave radio listening
Broadcast DXing (AM/FM/TV )
Aircraft (ADS-B and ATC)
Slow Scan TV
Multi-amateur band monitoring
WSPR & digital modes
Weather fax (HF and satellite)
Satellite monitoring
Geostationary environmental satellites
Trunked radio
Utility and emergency service monitoring
Fast and effective antenna comparison
Spectrum Analyser
Wireless microphone monitoring
RF surveying
IoT receiver chain
Signal logging
RFI/EMC detection
Broadcast integrity monitoring
Spectrum monitoring
Power measurement
Receiver design
Radio astronomy
Passive radar
Spectrum analyser
Receiver for IoT sensor projects
Antenna research
NEW SDRconnectTM SDR software for Windows, MacOS and Linux/Raspberry Pi:
- All new intuitive graphical interface launched in 2023
- Highly integrated native support for the SDRplay family on
Windows, MacOS, and Linux/Rasberry Pi 4/5 - Multiple ‘virtual receivers’ for simultaneous reception and
demodulation of different types of signals within the same
receiver bandwidth - Multiple notch filters with BW adjustable to 1Hz
- Synchronous AM mode with selectable/adjustable
sidebands. - Calibrated RF Power Meter with > 100dB of usable range
- Calibrated S-Meter supporting IARU S-Meter Standard
- Integrated server allows remote cross-platform access via high speed
LAN and regular internet WAN connectivity - “Audio” (Compact) mode allows limited bandwidth WAN connections
with spectrum visibility up to 10MHz plus multimode audio access
(AM/Wideband FM/SSB/CW etc) - Rolling release model allows for future feature enhancements
- Modular approach for future 3rd party development
- Weight 315g
- Size: 98mm x 94mm x 35mm (case only)
- Low Current: 185 mA (excl bias T)
Connectivity - Single 50Ω RF connector (SMA socket)*
- USB 2.0 (high speed) type B socket
Frequency Range - Continuous coverage 1kHz – 2GHz
ADC Characteristics - Sample frequency 2 – 10.66MSPS
- 14-bit native ADC (2 – 6.048MSPS)
•12-bit (6.048- 8.064 MSPS)
•10-bit (8.064- 9.216MSPS) - 8-bit (> 9.216 MSPS )
Bias T - Software Selectable 4.7V @ 100mA
Reference - High Temperature Stability (0.5ppm) TCXO
- In-field trimmable to 0.01ppm.
Maximum recommended input power - 0dBm continuous, 10dBm for short periods
Typical Noise Figures
- 22dB@300kHz
- 18dB @ 2MHz
- 18dB @ 4MHz
- 15dB @ 12MHz
- 15dB @ 25MHz
- 15dB @ 40MHz
- 5.3dB @ 55MHz
- 3.3dB @ 100MHz
- 3.3dB @ 200MHz
- 6.4dB @ 275MHz
- 7.7dB @ 386MHz
- 3.6dB @ 660MHz
- 5.0dB @ 1500MHz
- 6.3dB @ 1800MHz
IF Modes
- Zero IF, All IF bandwidths
- Low IF, IF bandwidths =
IF Bandwidths (3dB) - 200kHz
- 300kHz
- 600kHz
- 1.536MHz
- 5.0MHz
- 6.0MHz
- 7.0MHz
- 8.0MHz
Front End Filtering
Automatically configured front end filtering:
Low Pass
- 2MHz
Band Pass - 2-12MHz
- 12-30MHz
- 30-60MHz
- 60-120MHz
- 120-250MHz
- 250-300MHz
- 300-380MHz
- 380-420MHz
- 420-1000MHz
High Pass - 1000MHz
Notch Filters - FM Filter:
50dB 85 – 100MHz
•MW Filter:
30dB 660 – 1550kHz
•DAB Filter:
30dB 165 – 230MHz

Where to buy: Check for your local distributor at SDRplay website: https://www.sdrplay.com/distributors/
Thanks to TECH MINDS Youtube channel who made a review of the RSP1B. Watch the video now here: