The KiwiSDR 2Â is an SDR (“software-defined radio”) receiver for the entire frequency range from...
amateur radio
QLog is a free logging software, very simple and complete . The QLog is...
The SDRplay RSP1B is an enhanced version of the popularRSP1A powerful wideband full featured...
The time has come for one of the most desired contests in the world...
From RADIODDITY: Built on the success of the Open GD-77 project, the DM-1701 now...
A message from the contest manager, Mr. Francesco, IK6QON : Dear Contester, Warm greetings...
1. The 2024 Hamvention General Chairman Jim Storms AB8YK and the Hamvention team are...
RSGB IOTA Contest The RSGB IOTA Contest is the most popular contest in the...
WRTC 2022 Competition Winners! 1° I44W (UW7LL / VE3DZ) 2° I43C (DJ5MW / DL1IAO) 3° I49D(9A7DX / 9A3LG) PHONE: I43L (YU5EEA...
Rules Current Rules (pdf) 2023 CQ World-Wide WPX Contest SSB: March 25-26, 2023 CW:...
Alex is finishing his new project for the Alex Loop Antenna. It will be...
Sponsored by: Unión de Radioaficionados Españoles (URE). To participate in this contest, the specific bases...
Hamvention will be held May 19, 20 and 21, 2023 at the Greene County...
Source and where to buy: HF SIGNALS The sBitx is an open source, high...
Powerful USB transceiver interface based on high quality stereo codec IC, for operating phone,...
QRZONLINE.COM Team whish you a happy World Amateur Radio day ! Always have fun...
2023 Scores are vailable. See the Final Results, Clubs scores, Statistics at: RESULTS 2023
The CQMM DX CONTEST is a continuation of the successful Manchester Mineira All America ...
JAPAN INTERNATIONAL DX CONTEST RULES 2022-09 OBJECTIVE: For amateurs around the world(DX) to contact...
HAM is a short documentary that follows a group of Montanan amateur radio enthusiasts...