
The  CQMM  DX  CONTEST  is  a  continuation  of  the  successful   Manchester  Mineira  All  America  CW  Contest  (  MMAA  CW  CONTEST  ) , being  organized , coordinated  and  verified  by  the  CWJF GROUP  since  1993.  The  contest  was  initially  limited  to  stations  in  Brazil  ( 1993  – 1996 ) , but  with  its  rapid  growth , eventually  expanded  throughout  South America  ( 1997 – 2006 )  and  then  expanded  again  to  the  Americas  ( 2007 – 2010 ).

From  2011 ,  in  a  bold  decision ,  the  contest  has  become  a  world-wide  competition  and  held  between  all  six  (6)  continents.


a ) Promote unity and integration of all hams in the world;

b ) Promote conditions for obtaining 2 ( two ) CWJF Awards and other awards that exist in Brazil;

c ) Promote the art of the CW among the amateurs, clubs and groups that practice this mode in the world.

The city of Juiz de Fora is known as ” Manchester Mineira ” because it was one of the most industrialized cities in Latin America. In our city, it has installed the first hydroelectric plant in South America ( Hydroelectric Plant Marmelos ) in the year 1889 and is located in Paraibuna river.


2.1 ) It is held annually on 3rd full weekend of April.

2.2 ) Start: 09:00 UTC, Saturday; End: 23:59 UTC, Sunday.

3 – MODE & BANDS :

3.1 ) Mode: Only CW (A1A);

3.2 ) Bands: 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10 meters.


All categories below compete separately by continent: SA / NA / EU / AS / OC / AF.

4.1 ) M/S – Mult Operator, Single Transmitter, All Band ( HP / LP ) :

General settings :

– There is no limit on the number of operators. The station doesn’t need to be a Club or an Group, just to have more than one operator during the contest period, to be included in this category.

– If you are participating in the contest of a Club or Group, or using the callsign of that same Club or Group, but you are a single operator, you must not inform the letter “C” in your RST sent, as only stations with more than one operator, is that must send the letter “C” in their RST, after the two abbreviated letters of their continent (example: 599SAC).

– The main station can transmit at any time to CQ or respond to others CQs.

– The second station, called a “hunter” should seek new multipliers in a different band from the main station. Therefore, the signals in two different bands are allowed only if the hunter station is working a new multiplier.

– The “hunter” station cannot call CQ.

– The transmitters and receivers must be located within a circle of 500 meters radius.

– All antennas used must be physically connected by wires to the transmitters and receivers used by the participant.

New on 2018

– MO / ST / AB / HP – Multi Operator, Single Transmitter, All Band, High Power: the total power output shall not exceed 1,500 watts or limited to the maximum power output allowed by your license and/or the country in which you are operating from.

– MO / ST / AB / LP – Multi Operator, Single Transmitter, All Band, Low Power: the total power output shall not exceed 100 watts.

4.2 ) SO / AB – Single Operator, Single Transmitter, All Band ( HP / LP ) :

General settings :

– Only the participant will perform all functions relating to transmitting, and listening e logging of contacts throughout the contest period. You may not use outside help to achieve any QSO.

– The participant may change bands without restrictions. Only one signal can be transmitted at any time on any band.

– The transmitters and receivers must be located within a circle of 500 meters radius.

– All antennas used must be physically connected by wires to the transmitters and receivers used by the participant.

Division by Power Output :

– SO / AB / HP – Single Operator, All Band, High Power: the total power output shall not exceed 1,500 watts or limited to the maximum power output allowed by your license and/or the country in which you are operating from.

– SO / AB / LP – Single Operator, All Band, Low Power: the total power output shall not exceed 100 watts.

4.3 ) SO / SB – Single Operator, Single Band ( HP / LP ) :

General settings :

– Only the participant will perform all functions relating to broadcasting, and listening to records of contacts throughout the contest period. You may not use outside help to achieve any QSO.

– The participant of the Single Band category can operate on all five bands, but it is mandatory to define in the log which band you are competing.

– QSOs made in more than one band should be included in the log, necessarily, to facilitate the process of cross checking, but the final score is only referring to the QSOs of the band chosen and reported in the submitted log. Other contacts will be considered check-log.

– The participant may change bands without restrictions. Only one signal can be transmitted at any time.

– The transmitters and receivers must be located within a circle of 500 meters radius.

– All antennas used by the operator must be physically connected by wires to the transmitters and receivers used by the participant.

4.4 ) SO / AB / QRP – Single Operator, All Band, QRP :

– Please do not include / QRP after transmitting your callsign. Only when sending the RST.

– Same general settings listed under item 4.2;

– The total power output shall not exceed 5 watts.

4.5 ) SO / AB / YL – Single Operator, All Band, YL : 

– Only YL operator is allowed to participate on this category, and they will compete against each other for special YL Certificate or Plaque, regardless country or continent, beside regular competition on her choose category.

– No power division;

– No band division;


The use of alert networks (for example DXCluster, Skimmer, etc) is allowed for all categories. Participants may receive information about callsign and frequency from Alert Networks during the competition, however it is strictly forbidden to solicit, by any means, that others announce yourself during the competition or make self-spotting on any Alert Network, for example DXCluster, Twitter, MSN, Skype, etc. Violation of this rule will result in penalties or even subject of disqualification.


– Are all QSO made between two participants of the contest and confirmed by cross-checking the received log.

– In the absence of the log of one part, shall be considered participating stations from competition those whose callsign appear in at least 5 logs received.

– Is valid only one contact per band with each station. All duplicate (DUPE) QSO on the same band worth zero point.


We  suggest  using  the  message  “Test CQMM <your callsign>”  for  the  contest,  but  is  allowed  the  traditional  format “CQ TEST MM <your callsign>”.


Regular participants ( Not CWJF Members, or QRP, or YL or Group ), must send only: RST + Continent (eg, 599 EU, 599 SA, 599 AF).

8.1 ) CWJF GROUP Members ( list ) :

RST + Continent + M ( eg, 599 SAM, 599 EUM );

8.2 ) QRP Stations :

RST + Continent + Q ( eg, 599 EUQ, 599 NAQ – even if you are a Member or YL );

8.3 ) YL Stations :

RST + Continent + Y ( eg, 599 OCY, 599 AFY – even if you are a Member or QRP);

8.4 ) Mult Operator, Clubs or Groups :

RST + Continent + C ( eg, 599 NAC, 599 EUC ).

Note: Even if there are 1 or more Members of the CWJF GROUP in the team of operators of the category (Multi-Operators), the letter “C” must be sent in the RST.


9.1 ) QSO with same DXCC worth 1 point on any band;

9.2 ) QSO with different DXCC, but same Continent worth 2 points on 10, 15 and 20 meters and points on 40 and 80 meters;

9.3 ) QSO with different Continent worth 3 points on 10, 15 and 20 meters and 6 points on 40 and 80 meters;

9.4 ) Confirmed QSO with a CWJF Members, QRP stations and YL Operators worth 10 points at any band (regardless of country or continent);

9.5 ) Maritime Mobile Station (/MM) worth 3 points regardless band, country or continent the contact was made.


Below are the two types of multipliers that will be valid for all country, regardless of continents:

10.1 ) They are all the different PREFIXES in South America worked and confirmed by band, being valid work in all 5 bands.

10.2 ) All countries on the DXCC list, but valid only once, regardless of the band in which it is worked and confirmed.

Additional Information :

– Maritime mobile station (/MM) does not count as valid multiplier. For example: PY4KL/MM

– The CWJF Group encourages the use of special prefix by ham radios from Brazil and other South American countries, mainly because they are valuable multipliers.

– Will be added a zero (Ø) after the second letter on those prefix without number, Example: ZP/PY4KL, the prefix will be considered as ZPØ only for log check propose. The participant should not modify it on his log.


For all stations (regardless of country or continent), the final score is the result of the sum of points obtained in each band, multiplied by sum of multipliers (SA prefix + DXCC countries):

Final Score = QSO points x (SA prefixes per band + DXCC any band)

Example: 400 QSO points x 50 mults (40 SA Prefixes + 10 DXCC) = 20,000 points as Final Score.


Certificates and Plaques will be awarded by CWJF Group. These awards are sponsored by individual radioamateurs, Radio Clubs, Groups and Companies. If you want sponsor an award, please contact the CWJF Group. If your plaque was not sponsored, you can sponsor it by yourself, please contact the CWJF Group.

From 2017

12.1 ) Certificates :

a) All participants on final results will be awarded by a certificate ( except checklog ) indicating the score and classification. No certificate will be sent by postal mail. All certificates will be available for Download in PDF right after final result disclose as well;

12.2 ) Plaques :

a ) The station with the highest final score in each category will be considered World Champion and will receive a special plaque, regardless of the continent;

b ) YL station with the highest final score will receive a special plaque, regardless her category (except for M/S) and Continent.


13.1 ) Violating the law of Amateur Radio Service in the country which you are operating from;

13.2 ) Violating any part of this rules;

13.3 ) Self-spotting or arrange contact by any way (telephone, telex, internet, Packet Radio, etc.) during the contest;

13.4 ) Claims points by including excessive of QSOs and multipliers missing or unconfirmed;

13.5 ) Do not practice and/or do not promote Fair Play during the competition;

All of the above are grounds for disqualification, because our goal is to maintain fair competition and prevent operations or procedures unsportsmanlike. Decisions taken by the contest committee are final.


14.1 ) Duplicates contact are those made with the same station in the same band more than once;

14.2 ) It is recommend that duplicate contacts are retained in the log. Do not delete the duplicate contacts from your log.


The CWJF GROUP, responsible for the CQMM DX CONTEST verification, would appreciate receiving your log in electronic format.

a ) Please e-mail your log in Cabrillo 3.0 format, which is the standard for competition logs and it is available in all major logging programs;

b ) Name of your log file shall be <callsign-used.log>, example, py4kl.log;

c ) In the Cabrillo header, specify your category and full postal address. Those information are vital for archive final results and sending back plaques, certificates and trophies. A written declaration is not required;

d ) A log without all the information required may be regarded as checklog;

e ) The times must be in UTC;

f ) It is not necessary to calculate your final score. This will be done by our software verification;

g ) The electronic log should be sent by email to: cwjf@cqmmdx.com and before submitting your log, be sure to put in the SUBJECT field the callsign used in the contest. The server will check the information in your log and acknowledge receipt by email within 48 hours maximum;

h ) You can also use the LOG CQMMDX to create your Cabrillo log in the correct format ( Cabrillo 3.0.). See link below;

Program to generate your LOG in CABRILLO 3.0 format

i ) Paper logs must be made in chronological order. Each QSO must contain the call, time, band and complete exchange (sent and received). Model available from the link below;


j ) The papers logs must to be separated by band and sent to:


Rua Dr. Edgard Quinet 35 / 401

36036-080  Juiz de Fora – MG


More info about how to send your log, visit our website :


We recommend use software N1MMLogger, select module CQMMDX, which gives full support to CQMM DX Contest participation. Or SD by EI5DI, beside It gives full support to this contest, It is fast and simple. Please, refer to software page for more informations about how to use a log software on the CQMM DX Contest.


a ) All logs must be sent or posted until June 30 ( 23:59 UTC ).

b) All Log’s received from July 01 to July 31 will be considered as CHECK-LOG only and will be ineligible for any awards;

c) After this date ( July 31 ) , no more log will be accepted.


By submitting your log to the CQMM DX CONTEST, you agree that:

a ) You red and complied with the contest rules and agree to follow them;

b ) You participated in the contest in accordance with all rules and regulations pertaining to amateur radio in his country;

c) Your Log may be open to interested parties if the CWJF GROUP understands the request as being appropriate.

d ) All actions and decisions of the CWJF GROUP are official and final.


The CWJF GROUP undertakes to announce the result of the CQMM DX CONTEST as follows :

Preliminary Result : Last weekend of JANUARY.

Final Result : Last weekend of FEBRUARY.

The preliminary and final results will be published on the CWJF GROUP page and on the CQMM DX CONTEST page, in addition to sending the final result to all participants and to the main Clubs and Groups in Brazil and DX’s.

http://www.cqmmdx.com or http://www.cwjf.com.br

19 – THANKS :

Your participation is very important to us.

We are open to your suggestions.

Thanks for your valuable support.

We all hope to see you actively participating in our contest.

SOURCE: http://www.cqmmdx.com/rules/

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