RULES: 1. Contest sponsors The “Soyuz Radioljubitelej Rossii” (Union of Radioamateurs of Russia), SRR...
RULES: Enjoy the contest !
About this item Good Build Quality It is compact and lightweight, making it ideal...
Cutting-Edge, Affordable, and User-Friendly SDR in Browser. The Web-888 SDR, featuring a Web based...
RULES 1. Contest sponsors The EUDXCC is pleased to announce the 5th International EUDX-Contest ‘European-Union Dx...
The new TK11 is coming with many interesting features for a portable HT radio....
The Xiegu GNR1 digital audio noise filter is an audio processing device integrating digital...
RULES: CROATIAN STATIONS: INTERNATIONAL STATIONS: Single Operator Overlay Categories: Any Single Operator entrant who...
It´s time to enjoy one of the most important contest of the year !...
Based on the amateur radio code, the DX-club Center of Siberia founded a contest...
The RM Noise project uses AI with the goal of removing noise from SSB...
Organized ByBulgarian Federation of Radio Amateurs Date and periodThe weekend before the last full...
1 Times CW: August, second full weekendSaturday, August 10th 2024, 0000 UTC until Sunday, August...
Starts 00:00:00 UTC Saturday — Ends 23:59:59 UTC Sunday I. OBJECTIVE: For amateurs around the...
Next weekend. Enjoy the contest ! The German Amateur Radio Club (DARC e.V.) invites...
GREEN and YELLOW International HF ContestCVA DX HF CONTEST CW 2024 Historic:The Green and...
MAIN TOPICS: Participation: Worldwide Mode: CW, SSB Bands: 80, 40, 20,...
MAIN TOPICS: Mode: CW, Phone Bands: 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10m...
11 to 13 October Kents Hill Park, Milton Keynes, UK What would You like...