One of the most important contest is comming on the next weekend. Follow the...
RULES: 1. Contest sponsors The “Soyuz Radioljubitelej Rossii” (Union of Radioamateurs of Russia), SRR...
RULES: Enjoy the contest !
RULES 1. Contest sponsors The EUDXCC is pleased to announce the 5th International EUDX-Contest ‘European-Union Dx...
It´s time to enjoy one of the most important contest of the year !...
Based on the amateur radio code, the DX-club Center of Siberia founded a contest...
Next weekend, will be one of the most important contests of the world. Will...
1 Times CW: August, second full weekendSaturday, August 10th 2024, 0000 UTC until Sunday, August...
Starts 00:00:00 UTC Saturday — Ends 23:59:59 UTC Sunday I. OBJECTIVE: For amateurs around the...
Next weekend. Enjoy the contest ! The German Amateur Radio Club (DARC e.V.) invites...
MAIN TOPICS: Participation: Worldwide Mode: CW, SSB Bands: 80, 40, 20,...
MAIN TOPICS: Mode: CW, Phone Bands: 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10m...
11 to 13 October Kents Hill Park, Milton Keynes, UK What would You like...
CQ World Wide WPX Contest Rules Current Rules (pdf) 2024 CQ World-Wide WPX Contest...
RULES: Sponsored by: Unión de Radioaficionados Españoles (URE). To participate in this contest, the specific...
Dear Fellow DXers, In March the Dateline DX Association was pleased to announce that...
21th September, Saturday from 10:00 to 20:00 Get ready for an unforgettable experience at...