3G0YA LOG ONLINE : https://clublog.org/logsearch/3G0YA
Ben ( DL6FBL ), Win ( DK9IP ) and Lutz ( DM6EE ), active members of “Bavarian
Contest Club” (BCC), are operating from Easter Island – with logistic support from
SWL Christopher (son of DL6FBL).
Radio and Antenna Setup:
Our (four) Radio Setups each consist of:
- Yaesu FT-DX10
- RF-KIT RF2K-S amplifier
Our Antennas are:
- Two 5-band Spiderbeams (10/12/15/17/20m) @10mH
- DXCommander Vertical 12.4 from 10-40m
- L/4 Vertical for 30m
- Inverted-L for 80/160m (switchable) coming soon…
- Two Beverage-on-Ground (BOG’s) towards Europe and Asia coming soon…
- 4-ele 50 MHz Yagi for terrestrial operation
- VA6AM Triplexer + VA6AM/4O3A High Power Bandpass Filters
Logging with DXLog
FT8 by MSHV software => stay above 1000Hz when calling/working us!
Our equipment weighs >300 kg and is transported as (paid) excess baggage
on the aircraft.
Location and Takeoff:
- Our location is within the populated area on the south-western side
of the island, but relatively far outside on the northern end of town.
Towards Europe and North America terrain is quite flat for a few hundred
meters. Then, hills are rising, building a minimum elevation of 4 degrees.
Towards Asia, terrain is sloping down to the ocean which makes things easier. - There is no local noise, at least on 40m thru 6m (…no ant for Lowbands yet).
- Local electricity is a challenge. Voltage varies from 180V – 205V (TX vs. RX).
There is only one single 20A fuse which we have to share with other houses.
Fingers crossed, we didn’t experience any full power failure yet.
Our goals:
On Club Log, Easter Island is currently ranking as
- #83 Most Wanted country worldwide
- #59 from Europe,
- #98 from Asia and
- #161 from North America.
According to Club Log the highest demand is on SSB, then Data, and lastly CW.
We’re clearly setting our priorities based on this data.
All of us can manage pile-ups in any mode, however we will only use SSB, CW and FT8.
- We aim at Europe whenever there is some propagation on a specific band.
- We equally serve Asia when propagation is in favor to that direction.
- North America lies in the middle between Asia and Europe, direction-wise,
and the distance is much shorter.
It is easy to put NA and SA contacts in the log at any time. - We do not forget about our friends in Africa and the VK/ZL area, too.
Internet, Livestream
We brought our own Starlink satellite equipment and have good Internet connectivity.
Club Log Livestream, Log uploads and other communications like E-Mail are working
well, however we simply didn’t have the time to work on incoming E-Mails yet.
Rest assured, your messages have arrived and will be answered/considered.
Thank you!
Great big thanks to the Club Log people for providing the best available tools
for DXpedition support! Great big thanks also to all local people on the island
and mainland Chile who are helping us to prepare this activity!
Looking forward to seeing you in the log!
73 from Ben (DL6FBL), Win (DK9IP), Lutz (DM6EE) and Christopher